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Human Resources Management

A systematic, strategic approach to human resources management is usually one of the most critical and most often overlooked elements which determine strategic success or failure.

Particularly when structuring an investment in a transition economy, or developing a joint venture between firms with two distinct cultures and organisations, the role of HR is decisive.


DemiCo National offers an integrated range of services in the field of HR management and development. We support enterprises diagnose human resource needs, design integrated HR development programmes and continually monitor and assess results:

  • Strategic analysis of HR development needs;

  • HR performance audits

  • Training design and delivery

  • Management and leadership development programmes

  • Restructuring and establishment of the HR function

  • Competency management systems

  • Performance assessment systems

  • Compensation and incentive systems

  • Recruitment

  • Establishing corporate universities and training centers

  • Support for corporate restructuring, downsizing, outplacement


We support institutions such as governments, universities, NGOs or donor aid programmes develop and implement policies and projects in the HR and education and training areas. Our services include:

  • Assessment of regional, sectoral and cluster-related HR development needs

  • Labor market monitoring and analysis

  • Policy analysis and development

  • Development of training and HR development programmes and centers

  • Internal staff assessment and training

  • Management of donor-funded HR projects and programmes

  • Support for regional development and structural reforms

  • Project assessment and evaluation


We have developed a range of comprehensive in-house methodologies for training needs analysis and programme design; competency assessment and development; staff assessment; recruitment; HR project management, and others.

Human Resources


In the closing years of the twentieth century, management has come to accept that people, not cash, buildings or equipment, are the critical differentiators of a business enterprise. As we move into the new millennium and find ourselves in a...

Competency Management

An underlying characteristic of an individual that can be used to predict outstanding performance on the job. Competencies enable top performers to demonstrate critical behaviours more often, in more situations, with better results. (The Hay Group, 1998).

Needs Analysis

& Performance 

The objective of an HR needs assessment is to find out whether and how training and other personal or organisational development can close the performance gap. A secondary consideration is to design the HR programme so that it will have..

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