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Needs Analysis & Performance Diagnostic


It is rarely possible to improve organisational performance by training alone. There may be problems that require training and non-training interventions. In this connection, the first task of trainers or consultants in a broader needs assessment is to identify organisational performance problems and to distinguish the training and non-training needs and solutions.


Our needs assessment procedure typically follows four main steps:

  • Implement a “Gap” Analysis

  • Identify Causes of Performance Problems or Performance Opportunities

  • Identify Priorities and Importance

  • Identify Possible Solutions and Growth Opportunities.


A gap analysis evaluates the actual performance or situation of a company, unit or staff. There are always two components to this analysis:

  • The Current Situation Analysis, which determines the current state of skills, knowledge, abilities and functions. This includes human skills, but also compensation systems, recruitment, performance incentives, etc.

  • The Desired or Planned Situation Analysis, which includes the future planned status of the company, usually on a 2 – 24 month time frame. The major method of determining this is the corporate strategy and / or business plan, as well as stakeholder interviews.

  • In implementing a gap analysis, it is usually necessary to think along three hierarchical levels

  • The Corporate level, affecting the human resources policies and skills needed by the entire company;

  • The Departmental or Unit level, comprising the needs and priorities of a specific unit or department;

  • The Individual level, including individual or personal training needs, requirements and performance.


Each level will affect the form and content of a training programme. Individual training needs, for instance, may be better handled through attendance at an external training programme or through staff rotation, than development of a customized training programme. The requirements of a department or unit may include training for several staff grades or ranks, while a corporate training programme may focus on specific ranks, e.g. departmental manager.


We deploy comprehensive needs analysis and performance diagnostics in nearly all projects implemented, including due diligence, business planning, marketing & sales development and other fields.

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Needs Analysis

& Performance 

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