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Web Design

Web Application


E-commerce &

E-marketing Training

Internet Strategy


The world-wide web and the current Web 2.0 universe of applications are rapidly and irrevocably changing the structure and function of commercial and social relationships world-wide.


No longer passive consumers of goods and services, customers increasingly expect to play an active role in design, pricing, customer service and customization. Rather than limiting the sales relationship to a 10-hour window in an exclusive physical location, purchase decisions are now made and influenced on a 24/7 basis on company websites and ecommerce platforms, on the blog-sphere, on Facebook, and on millions of other wikis, discussion boards and groups.


The explosion in online services has produced a range of often confusing and contradictory trends and demands on manufacturers and other suppliers:

  • While customers increasingly expect innovative, trendy and customized services (all of which are expensive to produce), their loyalty is increasingly fickle, and they are increasingly price (or bargain) sensitive.

  • While the cost of web design and web applications (such as content management systems and cloud computing) has never been cheaper, it is becoming more and more difficult to stand out among the millions and billions of websites, blogs and other online locations.

  • While more and more customers are going online, the fact that the number of ecommerce sites, newsletters, loyalty programmes, and other suppliers drives an incredible proliferation of spam, newsletters, opt-in lists, hotel clubs, community groups and unsolicited offers threatens to overwhelm customer attention spans.

  • ​

This situation indicates that while Web 2.0 has finally “come of age” (in that it increasingly mirrors the confusion and competitiveness of classic high street retail), companies and organisations need to be extremely careful in designing their online strategies.


DemiCo National supports this process using a mix of hard-nosed return-on-investment analysis, continual adjustment to cutting-edge practice, and strategic outsourcing and alliances. Our services include:

  1. Strategic Audits

  2. Online migration and business strategy

  3. Web and web application design

  4. e-Commerce development

  5. e-CRM development

  6. Social Media Marketing

  7. Corporate Social Networking

  8. Search Engine Optimization

  9. Business Intelligence

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