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Web Design


DemiCo National develops award-winning website designs which combine elegant and functional graphic design with search engine optimization and user interactivity.

Our web solutions include:

  • Graphic design, using iterative processes that ensure customer priorities are integrated into the design process

  • Content Management System (CMS) development, ranging from simple applications such as news or events posts to product catalogs and more complex applications

  • eCommerce integration, including the development of ecommerce platforms for online sales and, if relevant, distribution

  • Social media development, including development of open or proprietary social networks


We view web design as an iterative process, prefaced by a careful definition of customer, consumer and wider community needs as well as definition of return-on-investment of the web design process.


Our general methodology for web design includes the following:

  1. Definition of online objectives, priorities, budget and desired return on investment

  2. Benchmarking of competitor websites

  3. Definition of preferred design elements and themes

  4. Content development: text and images

  5. Keyword analysis

  6. First design stage

  7. Review

  8. Second design stage

  9. Review & completion


We consider it imperative that the site owner carefully reviews steps a-d in this process, since these depend on them. In particular, we will not start a design process unless all written content has been prepared (or has been contracted to us as part of the design contract). This avoids repetitive work and project delays.


Solutions are provided on a range of platforms, including html 5, Microsoft aspx, Ajax and php depending on the project budget, security concerns and design creativity.

Web Design

Web Application


E-commerce &

E-marketing Training

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